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📌 13 de Setembro, 2024

Angular: RouterLink Ctrl+Click New Tab

In Angular projects, it’s common to use [routerLink] in template elements to handle navigation. While effective, this approach lacks the functionality of “Ctrl + Click” (or “Cmd + Click” on macOS) to open links in a new browser tab. In this post, I’ll share a simple yet effective directive to implement this feature.

📌 29 de Junho, 2024

ESPHome: BME680 with BSEC 2

ESPHome provides built-in support for the BME680 sensor with a fully open-source implementation; however, it is not compatible with all the sensor’s features. The project also includes Bosch’s proprietary BSEC v1 software library, which provides all features, but it only runs on the original ESP32, making it incompatible with the ESP32-S2 or ESP32-C3.

📌 26 de Março, 2024

ESP32-S2 Mini: Review and ESPHome Notes

During my search for a small and cheap ESP32 board to use with ESPHome IoT projects, I stumbled upon the amazing ESP32-S2 Mini. This board is the compact and low budget option I was looking for, and while it is available on AliExpress from various sellers, there are a few details to consider.

📌 23 de Abril, 2020

Qt: Static Builds Under Windows

Qt is a cross-platform software development framework for C++ used to build software across all major industries. If you work at company that uses Qt you may have wondered how you can pack all dependencies of your application in a single executable. Yes, that is possible but only with static builds. Let me show you how to do it.

📌 1 de Setembro, 2018

Linus Torvalds: Um Definição de Bug

Linus Torvalds resolve recusar uma correção técnicamente correta para um bug conhecido. O seu comentário ajuda-nos a clarificar o que um bug realmente é e prioritizar o desenvolvimento de software.

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