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📌 13 de Setembro, 2024

Angular: RouterLink Ctrl+Click New Tab

In Angular projects, it’s common to use [routerLink] in template elements to handle navigation. While effective, this approach lacks the functionality of “Ctrl + Click” (or “Cmd + Click” on macOS) to open links in a new browser tab. In this post, I’ll share a simple yet effective directive to implement this feature.

📌 4 de Julho, 2024

LXD / Incus: Enter Container As User

In most situations, you would be entering your containers as root, and that’s perfectly reasonable. After all, an unprivileged container ensures that the root inside it will only have root privileges within that container and nowhere else. Sometimes, however, it might be useful to enter a container with a specific user.

📌 30 de Junho, 2024

Replace Proxmox with Incus / LXD

This article goes through all the reasons why you might want to replace Proxmox with Incus / LXD and how it could save you from a lot of headaches down the line. While free Proxmox, much like VMWare ESXi was, is a potential disaster waiting to happen.

📌 29 de Junho, 2024

ESPHome: BME680 with BSEC 2

ESPHome provides built-in support for the BME680 sensor with a fully open-source implementation; however, it is not compatible with all the sensor’s features. The project also includes Bosch’s proprietary BSEC v1 software library, which provides all features, but it only runs on the original ESP32, making it incompatible with the ESP32-S2 or ESP32-C3.

📌 9 de Abril, 2024

LXD / Incus: Bridged Networking

There are cases where we need LXD / Incus containers to have direct access to the network. In such cases, we want the containers to be assigned an IP address by a router on the network, treating them as individual devices on the network rather than containers inside a host machine that get to the network through NAT.

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