In this article I’ll show you how to properly setup SmartDNS in DD-WRT. You’ll get advanced DNS caching, faster DNS using multiple resolvers and most importantly encrypted DNS with DoT (DNS over TLS) and DoH (DNS over HTTPS).
📌 24 de Novembro, 2022
📌 24 de Novembro, 2022
In this article I’ll show you how to properly setup SmartDNS in DD-WRT. You’ll get advanced DNS caching, faster DNS using multiple resolvers and most importantly encrypted DNS with DoT (DNS over TLS) and DoH (DNS over HTTPS).
📌 20 de Março, 2022
É uma loucura como os serviços de VPN tomaram a Internet. Se não confiam a vossa informação a um ISP como podem confia-la a um VPN?
📌 20 de Março, 2022
It’s insane how VPN services have taken over the internet nowadays. If you don’t trust your ISP with your data, why would you trust a VPN provider?
📌 1 de Agosto, 2021
DD-WRT’s WebUI includes an “Automatic Drive Mount” feature that works just fine until you’ve multiple USB drives. It seems that when the router reboots USB drives get mounted in different/unpredictable paths. At the end of this article you’ll be able to have predictable USB mount points.
📌 5 de Julho, 2021
Este serviço de Internet e VoIP “empresarial de gama alta” é vendido como podendo ser configurado em “bridge” no qual um router do cliente pode alocar um IP público, mas não é bem assim. No fim deste artigo deverá ser claro como configurar o serviço MEO GlobalConnect Pack num router DD-WRT, OpenWrt ou num servidor.
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